Tonnah Her, Regional Director of the HWT Fresno Network
At the last Hmong Women Today retreat in November of 2014, I spoke on how to make your life better, more rewarding by creating balance.

I’m a happily married mother of three.  I have live in in-laws.  I run 3 businesses, and I’m also heavily involved with my kids’ school, spiritual, and sporting activities. Over the years, I’ve gotten good at managing all the different aspects of my life in a way that makes me feel happy and proud. Here’s how I do it.

I believe that it is important to define what life balance means for you. Life is constantly changing and what life balance is for you today may change tomorrow and later on. Priorities change over time too.  I believe, a balanced life is one that makes you feel happy, joyful and harmonious.

Creating balance means creating healthy boundaries for yourself and those around you!

  • Decide what is acceptable to you when it comes to making choices. You choose what you want to have and do in your life. Keep in mind that you make the decision to take that call that night or to take on extra responsibilities.

You create your boundaries, so pick what’s good for you.  Really, you have that much power!

  • Today, work is likely to invade your personal life.  I support women when they need to leave work to take care of personal things at home, and I believe their accomplishments do not depend on how much time is spent at work.  Meanwhile, there are times that you’ll also have to make the hard decision to put work first. Again, stick with your priority.
  • It’s okay to say, “NO!” without an explanation at times.

You can do anything but you can not do everything!

  • Simplify and cut out the activities and responsibilities that are not necessary in order to handle priorities.  If there’s conflict, ask yourself, “Is this going to bring me happiness or stress?” Then decide.
  • Understand what you’re doing, what’s working, and what isn’t.
  • Keep a journal and write down what and how you spend your time on — everything from the meetings to how many times you go to the gym. It will help you see if you are spending your time in the most productive way — and it will make you accountable for your actions. It will help you accomplish your professional and personal goals, and will make you proud of those accomplishments.
  • Having a balanced life means being realistic about the fact that some things are just not going to get done. And, you have to be okay with that.
  • Give yourself permission to ASK FOR HELP and DELEGATE responsibilities. You are not a superhero mom, and you are not the Eveready Bunny!  You can only do so much.
  • There’s more than one way to do something!  Allow flexibility and be patience.
  • Your personal balance affects those around you!  Choose your health and your well-being over anything else so that you can contribute more and serve those who you love more.
  • Revisit your priorities and values frequently and adjust accordingly.   Pay attention to what feels healthy and joyful for you because there’s no such thing as a perfect balance.

    Love yourself and take care of YOU, so that you can give your best to others and in return you can experience joy and happiness together.

QUESTION:  How do you create your life balance?  Let us know by commenting below!
