Each year, I go on a personal retreat without my husband with me. It is not an easy thing to do, but I know I need it if I want to increase my capacity to serve as a mom, a wife and a professional.

As a mother and a wife, it may seem selfish, irresponsible and “improper” (in the context of Hmong culture) to go away for days, alone. But the way I see is that this is my sacred journey I must take alone.

Going on retreat is not a luxury lifestyle!

It is a self-rediscovery journey with a self-care ritual!

As women, we tend to put our love ones’ needs before our own. But the problem with that is if we forget to recharge and nurture ourselves, we can become off-balance; walking around feeling burnout and resentment. Therefore, it is essential that we take care of our (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual wellness) so that we can love more and give more of ourselves.

My most recent retreat was a 3-days Goddess Garden Retreat in Sedona, Arizona.  Below is a picture of the women I met who are also on a path of self-rediscovery, empowerment, and conscious evolution.

annie retreatThe Goddess Garden Retreat in Sedona, Arizona

I understand that going on retreat may not be for everyone, and it can feel almost impossible for some. Going on retreat costs money, takes time away from work and family. But I found that there are at least 6 really good reasons why going on a retreat is good for you.

It reaffirms your sense of self-worth.   Attending a retreat requires a financial investment, trip preparation, and the courage to venture out into an unfamiliar environment.  My experience going on retreat by myself taught me that:

  • I’m worth investing in.
  • I’m braver than I thought.
  • I can trust myself and my choices in my life.

It gives you an opportunity to pause for self-reflection.  Maybe you once have goals, dreams and bucket list; you even wrote them down. You used to feel inspired, and you were driven to make them happen, but then significant changes along the way that has changed how you feel about yourself, your future and your life purpose. Suddenly, you find yourself drifting and reacting to the overwhelming demand and responsibilities of life.  Being away from home forces you to step out of your life and to look at your life through the screen as an audience.  Self-reflection allowed you to see what is working and what’s not working in your life.  The process can help you identify what you need to let go and what to hold onto in life.  Maybe it’s belief or value that once was working but isn’t today. Or maybe some old past hurts and wounds need healing?

It enables you to reconnect with your heart. Our fast-paced world and busy life can distract us from actually living authentically.  At my last retreat, we were challenged to go into silence for 12 hours.  I found it to be quite difficult not to speak at first.  But my experience was transformative!  I finally learned to listen and really be present with all. Being quiet with nature has a powerful way to help us see the big picture, hear our heart’s whispers and recognize what is most important to us.

It enables you to connect with people and expand your awareness.  Retreats bring people from all walks of life. You will meet people who share a similar interest as you as well as people with different passions, talents, and lifestyles. As you come to know them through their life stories, they will open your heart and your mind to be receptive, to accept, to be more patience, to understand, and to appreciate others as your fellow travelers. You may even be inspired by the different ways of how other people live, eat and practice. Through this new connection and exposure, your awareness will expand to another level that can elevate your overall life.

It enables you to transform.  A retreat is designed to be a safe space to share and be vulnerable. By listening to other people share their stories, we not only develop new perspectives and more compassion towards others, but we also become more empowered to face our own fears. The process can bring healing, breakthroughs, and new empowering meanings to our life experiences.

It enables you to refocus your life. My experience with retreat has helped me to really dig deep about my life purpose, personal values and how I want to show up as a mom, a wife and a professional.  When we know what we want and what’s important to us, we can better create a clear life plan. This can serve as a guide to help us stay focused and inspired to take action each day with purpose.

Clarity is empowerment!

Today, a Hmong woman’s primary roles and responsibilities extend beyond her home. I believe women work harder (both at home and at work), face more challenges and cultural rules, and I believe, deserve better and more. It’s important for you to take time off for yourself to recharge, reflect, reconnect and refocus so that you can return with clarity and inspiration to live with passion and purpose.


Have you ever attended a retreat for spiritual, personal and or professional development? If so, how was your experience?  Also, let me know your thought on this blog by commenting below. And if you prefer to share with me privately, you can email me directly at annie@hmongwomentoday.com.
