I recently invited a friend to attend our upcoming networking events, and she asked what the event is going to be about. I said to her, “networking.”  She immediately concluded, “Oh, so you guys are a network marketing company.” 

This is not the first time I came across this word, “networking” being so misunderstood and mistaken.  After I gave her a passionate explanation of what networking is and its benefits, I could see that she was excited.  It was then  that I decided, I must write this blog post about the 8 reasons why you should love networking events. And yes, I intend to persuade you to go out to network more if you haven’t yet developed an appreciation for networking.

The concept of networking has been around for a long time.  Successful entrepreneurs, politicians, and leaders use it as a powerful tool to leverage resources, influence more people and bring more awareness to their brand or cause.

Hwt local networks

Hmong Women Today – Sacramento Network

First, let’s take a look at the definition of networking.

According to Merriam-Webster, networking is

“the exchange of information or services among individuals, groups, or institutions; specifically:  the cultivation of productive relationships for employment or business.”

Today, we are living in a world that is “more open and more connected.” Thanks to Mark Zuckerberg, Founder of Facebook, for making this his mission. Today, one must not deny the fact that:

“There’s power in numbers.”


“Together we are stronger.


If you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”  – African proverb

To win in life, we need to harness the power of networking. One way to start is to attend more community networking events.  The benefits of attending networking events are measurable because:

It enables you to connect you with like-minded individuals.  There’s something that feels safe free and almost magical when we are around people who are like us. When you’re in a place like that, you can’t help but feel inspired, empowered and a little more brave + confidence to transform your life.

It enables you to build your social capital.
  This is the value and resources you can tap into through the people you have a connection with.  Who are your allies? Who have you helped?  What are your resources? Understanding this benefit will inspire you to want to build better relationships with people.

It enhances your relationship building skills.  I know that meeting new people can be uncomfortable for many (including myself), but the ability to step out of your comfort zone is the way to elevate your skills.  As you meet more people, you also come to see the many different views people have of the world.  When we listen to understand, we learn to appreciate each other’s uniqueness and develop new skills to connect with people better.

It empowers and raises your vibration.  Most events will bring a speaker to share a message to help you stay motivated to take action towards your goals and dreams.  And sometimes, you will meet someone who will say something that just wakes you up from the inside.  And sometimes, it is your own inner wisdom that comes through for you more so clearly while you are listening to other people’s stories.  This is an experience I often get when I attend live networking events.

It inspires you to see what is possible for you.  Attending events allow us to meet people who have created new boundaries for themselves, whether it’s in their career or in their lifestyle.  Seeing this can give us hope and belief that “if they can do it, then I can do it too.” Or maybe, you might even hear your heart whispers confidently, “I can do better.”

It is an opportunity for you to speak and share your expertise.  If you believe in reaching out to help those who have yet arrived at where you are, and that the lessons you have learned can help make life a little easier for others, then go out to network with the intention to help others.  This is a great way for you to practice and enhance your public speaking skills as well as a possible advance in your life works.

It enables you to explore possible collaboration and partnership. Today, we see more and more people being passionately driven to show up boldly to make a difference in the world.  But the problem is, it can feel so overwhelmed and lonely in the journey.  Imagine if you can connect with other driven people to support you with your idea.  This is possible when you attend networking events to intentionally connect with people who can support you and not just those people you like.

It’s a great way to establish your visibility, credibility, and profitability.   Networking today is not just about who you know anymore but who knows you.  I believe that today, we need to focus on building a personal brand.  Having and building a brand is no longer reserves for entrepreneurs, politicians, and professionals.  Everyone has the potential to influence and contribute to oneanother.  By showing up to live events, you become visible, memorable and trusted.  When you have a call to action, people will be more likely to come to your support because they know you, like you and trust you.

As you can see, the benefits of networking are measurable!  However, the focus of networking should not be about the immediate transactional results you are after.  Instead, focus on cultivating productive relationships by being of service and generous. 


“It is in the giving that we receive.”

“You get what you put out.”

“The heart that gives, gathers.” -Tao Te Ching

So there you have it!  I hope I have convinced you to get out and attend more community live networking events. Better yet, come join our next event on Saturday, April 22nd at the HWTF-reLaunch Networking!

Imagine, what new possibilities are there waiting for you???
